Thủ Thuật về so cals là gì - Nghĩa của từ so cals 2022
Pro đang tìm kiếm từ khóa so cals là gì - Nghĩa của từ so cals được Update vào lúc : 2022-06-26 23:15:06 . Với phương châm chia sẻ Kinh Nghiệm về trong nội dung bài viết một cách Chi Tiết 2022. Nếu sau khi đọc Post vẫn ko hiểu thì hoàn toàn có thể lại Comment ở cuối bài để Mình lý giải và hướng dẫn lại cals nghĩa là
1. Geographical region: Southern California.
2. A trademark.
3. trang chủ to killer surf.
4. An attitude.
5. A complimentary expression sometimes used as a snide insult.
Abbreviation for Southern California, homes
ExampleYour style is So Calso cals nghĩa làA reigion boasting large amounts of concrete, homosexuals and fake tits. Quite probably the most disgusting place. White kids tend to try to act tough by sportin famous clothing and skate all day while other ones are complete bro's and wear abercrombie and other homosexual lines of clothing. So cal gives california a bad name (and Hollister isnt in so cal ... its a town an hour inland by gilroy/ san jose)
Example:Hey bro wanna go hang out hollister and check out the new upside down visors.: Ya dude that would be so legit lets get some famous hats and so cal shirts too!
so cals nghĩa là
The nickname for Southern California. one of the most populated regions in the world. truly has every single race, religion, ethnicity, you could think of. often portrayed as being wealthy, superficial, stuck up, and sunny, which is mostly true with the exception of some poor areas like south/east LA. most people care about how they look, especially if you are younger. soccer moms from the hundreds of wealthy areas try to maintain their youth by getting botox and boob jobs, which aint such a bad thing for the guys ;). it is almost impossible to move here if you are coming from out of state unless you have tons of money and a job lined up. definitely a place where you have to pay to live in a safe area. some of the worst traffic, congestion, and air quality you will find. has some of the wealthiest areas in the nation as well as the poorest. home to the hottest people you will ever see and people know how to party here.... a place where every single person in the world will have a love/hate relationship with it....welcome to So Cal
Exampleyou from so cal? yes i am oh cool cool... yeah it's a love hate relationshipso cals nghĩa làSouthern California. It has some cool stuff, but lots of nasty people and teenagers with a out of wack sense of entitlement. Could be worse.
Examplefucktard: "Dude! I just got an STD from some slut in Santa Cruz!" Figure.10: "damn" fucktard: "But I did get some nice shoes" Figure.10: "..." *coughs* "well, that's why they call it So-so Cal."so cals nghĩa làI indeed made up this phrase. It WILL hit the streets faster than "that's hot." Just you wait. So, meaning, in an excessive amount, and cal, short for california. So California (since that is the coolest state, and one of the largest, many things just ARE california. Thanks for your time.
ExampleL: God damn those sunglasses. I've never seen them in the streets of Bethesda.L2: That's because they're so cal. And cal is way farther than bethesda. it's gotta get here. chill out L1!!!! CHRIST.
L: Hook me up wif a pair of dooose shades!
L2: Time for some meds. MEDS ARE SO cals nghĩa là
So Cal Bros are prevalent high schools and universities across America. They are young males who tend to wear "bro" tanks and hawaiian shirts, sport long hair, and use the word "chill" They play soccer and lacrosse because they are not athletic enough to for football or baseball. They have almost no muscle mass, most can barely bench 135. The So Cal Bro's arch nemesis is the jock. While taking a backseat to the jocks in terms of high school popularity, most So Cal Bros join fraternities in college in an attempt to boost their social standing. They have success in frats due to the fact they will do almost anything to get some pussy. When it comes to girls, a So Cal Bro will typically play the "best friend" role. He may put up with a girl's shit for years and not get any pussy, only to wait until she is rock bottom to make his move. After a girl has been played one too many times by "douche bag" guys, she will inevitably give the So Cal Bro, her "best friend", a chance.
ExampleEx. Do you think she's fucking him? Nah he's a So Cal Bro, he's not hitting cals nghĩa làSouthern California. One of the best/worst to live.
Examplejosh: Your from so cal? David: Me tooso cals nghĩa làa group of extremely narcissistic and annoying people in the southern california region, based mostly in the san pedro area and some of the surrounding south bay. basically everyone that tries to belong to the "so cal assassins" are just major douchebags who think they're better than everyone in the history of the world. they pretty much all need a good ass kicking and hopefully will one day realize what incredible fucktards they are.
how to spot a "so cal assassin":
-look for an annoyingly large and lifted truck, usually extremely loud and obnoxious
-a lot of tattooed losers driving them
-people who act like they are not racist, but most definately are, as one can blatently see by their iron cross tattoos and white power state of mind
-someone who does absolutely nothing with their life but try and be cooler than they actually are.
girl#2:yeah, they should really stop with that, its actually extremely embarassing if you ask cals nghĩa là
Great affection for the good things to love about Southern California. Also the name of a designer clothing consignment boutique that donates a part of proceeds to animal welfare organizations in California.
ExampleSo Cal Love is experienced when you recognize all of the good in Southern California. A state of being. The So Cal Love Boutique brings two great things about California as one...designer consignment and So Cal's Love for animals.